Monday 21 May 2012


Media planning is an important aspect of advertising. The success of an organization depends on its effective Media Planning.  This planning includes various factors and each factor is equally important and should be followed carefully to achieve best possible results. It is an important phase and so it should be completed with utmost care.
  • The most important factor which should be considered is the target audience.  Target audiences are that audience who are targeted while advertising. They have a direct relationship with the product and service.
  • The second important thing which should be considered is the budget. The budget plays a vital role in deciding the pattern of advertisement.  If the budget of the client is high go for electronic media and if budget is low then choose print media.
  • Choice of the type of media also depends on the type of target audience. We can choose among TV advertising, Radio Advertising and Newspaper according to the needs and budget.
Media Planning can be considered as a pillar in advertising because without effective media planning the advertisement can never be a successful one. 

Media Buying can be termed as the process of buying media by a client according to the budget and target audience. It is also a difficult task and it requires special skills to complete the procedure. It is very important to select the correct form of media to carry out the advertising procedure. If the product or service is of international brand then go for electronic media because it covers a wide area and hence it can serve the purpose. But if the product is of local brand use radio or newspaper to advertise as it can cover local audience.
Both Media Planning and Buying are complex task and special attention should be taken while performing these tasks. All the factors should be considered thoroughly before performing these 2 tasks because it is one of the most important business decisions. Now to complete this task an efficient media representative is required along with a reputed advertising agency.  Working Media Group is one such agency which provides excellent services in the advertising. It pays special attention on all the factors of media planning.

Digital Marketing can be defined as the combination of push and pull Internet technologies to execute marketing campaigns in an efficient way. Push message can be defined as messages like email, IM, RSS, and voice broadcast where as pull messages can be explained as content serving a banner ad and pay per click search terms. Internet plays a basic role in this type of marketing because it is the only medium which can perform the task of pull and push messages.
Digital Marketing can also be defined as the procedure to promote any product or service using database driven online distribution channels to reach various consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost effective manner. This definition clearly explains the role of Digital Marketing.

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