Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Importance of Media Planning

Importance of advertisement and promotion is recognized by all the companies these days and hence companies go for Media Planning for advertisements and promotions for achieving the aim of higher profits through advertisements. Media Planning refers to deciding on the right means of media for targeting the public. Different means of media are meant for different population and the Means of media services to be used have to be planned according to the product and the population that it means to target.
Need of Media Planning
Media planning refers to deciding what would be the means of promotion and what kind of media will be used to advertise a certain product. Media Planning agencies spend huge amount of money in market research and these agencies help the companies to choose the right means of media and also help them in Media Buying through negotiations and contacts at reasonable rates. The Media Buyer NYC provides Media Buying solutions to the companies and utilizes the experience and reputation it has built in the industry for negotiating the rates at which the media companies give the contract for advertisement to the company. The clients provide specifications on what they want from their advertisement and what is the price they are ready to give for the promotions and the companies for Media Planning and Media Buying give them the right means and price for advertising. By means of media, it is meant that the method or the type of media used for advertising. Media can be print media, television, or the internet. To choose on what type of media will the advertisement be broadcasted, right skills and experience is required. This work is undertaken by the Media Planning agencies. Next step after deciding on the means of the media that has to be used for advertisement is to negotiate and settle the charges that the media companies would charge to the companies intending to put up their advertisement. Here the Media Buying agency or the Media Brokers come into play. They are into the field from long enough to understand the rates and the trends that can be followed to lower the rates. Generally both Media Planning and Media Buying services are available under one agency only and clients prefer to visit the agency with both the services for reducing their costs and also for easing the process. Media planning selects the combination of types of media in a best possible manner so as to earn profit for the companies by increasing the sales.
Advantages to the company
Hiring a Media Buyer NYC can be advantageous to the company as the company planning for promoting their product may not have any idea on what would be the charges that the media companies will take or the negotiation strategies that may lower down the cost. Arranging for an agency that looks after Media Planning as well as is a Media Brokers that helps in negotiating the quotes given by the media companies can lower the tension and worries related to the advertisement and promotions for the companies.


  1. thank so much for giving us an idea about media plasnning..

  2. its a nice article about media planning.

  3. Thank you for sharing the information.

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