Monday 21 May 2012


Media planning is an important aspect of advertising. The success of an organization depends on its effective Media Planning.  This planning includes various factors and each factor is equally important and should be followed carefully to achieve best possible results. It is an important phase and so it should be completed with utmost care.
  • The most important factor which should be considered is the target audience.  Target audiences are that audience who are targeted while advertising. They have a direct relationship with the product and service.
  • The second important thing which should be considered is the budget. The budget plays a vital role in deciding the pattern of advertisement.  If the budget of the client is high go for electronic media and if budget is low then choose print media.
  • Choice of the type of media also depends on the type of target audience. We can choose among TV advertising, Radio Advertising and Newspaper according to the needs and budget.
Media Planning can be considered as a pillar in advertising because without effective media planning the advertisement can never be a successful one. 

Media Buying can be termed as the process of buying media by a client according to the budget and target audience. It is also a difficult task and it requires special skills to complete the procedure. It is very important to select the correct form of media to carry out the advertising procedure. If the product or service is of international brand then go for electronic media because it covers a wide area and hence it can serve the purpose. But if the product is of local brand use radio or newspaper to advertise as it can cover local audience.
Both Media Planning and Buying are complex task and special attention should be taken while performing these tasks. All the factors should be considered thoroughly before performing these 2 tasks because it is one of the most important business decisions. Now to complete this task an efficient media representative is required along with a reputed advertising agency.  Working Media Group is one such agency which provides excellent services in the advertising. It pays special attention on all the factors of media planning.

Digital Marketing can be defined as the combination of push and pull Internet technologies to execute marketing campaigns in an efficient way. Push message can be defined as messages like email, IM, RSS, and voice broadcast where as pull messages can be explained as content serving a banner ad and pay per click search terms. Internet plays a basic role in this type of marketing because it is the only medium which can perform the task of pull and push messages.
Digital Marketing can also be defined as the procedure to promote any product or service using database driven online distribution channels to reach various consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost effective manner. This definition clearly explains the role of Digital Marketing.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


Various means and ways which are used to spread promotional messages to the public is called advertising media. This media includes billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and internet. The message is communicated through words, speech and pictures.
Advertising Media can be broadly classified into three categories:
TV commercials – TV Advertising is one of the most powerful medium to advertise because a major part of population is regular viewer of television.
TV commercials provide detailed information about the product. Depending on your target group you have to decide the time, when your spot shall be shown. The advertisement should be according to the viewers. Television has a very strong impact on their viewers. Working Media Group is one such company which provides class services to their clients.
  • Printed Advertising – Printed media is also an efficient way to advertise. The cost of television advertisement and printed advertisement is approximately same but there is a advantage in printed advertising that we can decrease the cost of advertising by decreasing the size of the advertisement. But there are certain points which should be kept in mind before going for a advertisement in print media:
  • Only use right-hand pages for newspaper adverts, because you first look at the right side.
  • The color is an important fact. Red signals mean danger and colors of the dusk make us feel comfortable and save.
  • The layout and the text are also very important parts of newspaper adverts.  The layout may take the readers look at the main information, and the text is just to inform interested people.
So the Advertising Strategies of a company that is providing media services should be very efficient so that they can provide best services to their clients.
  • Direct Mailing - Direct mailing is another form of advertising. The companies get a list of names and address and send leaflets to those people who might be interested in their products. Some people find this direct mailing irritating, wasteful and unsightly, so the leaflets land in the rubbish bin. Hence the leaflet should be attractive enough so that it catches the eye of the reader.
Media Services
Media services are companies that help a company to achieve its goal in becoming a household name or product. Media services helps to distribute news about any company and the advances it may be making. By using these services, it is easy to see how your company can become known by the public because media services allow easy distribution of company’s information.
A media services company is a company that gets any company's name out there using print media, television, radio, etc. These services make it easy for your company to get its name into public discourse and recent studies have proven that media services are great help in increasing brand recognition. Brand recognition is a great way to improve the company's image without changing the existing image. Working Media Group is one such company that provides media services in New York. This company evaluates the market and competition of the client’s company and then design effective campaigns for their client.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Importance of Media Planning

Importance of advertisement and promotion is recognized by all the companies these days and hence companies go for Media Planning for advertisements and promotions for achieving the aim of higher profits through advertisements. Media Planning refers to deciding on the right means of media for targeting the public. Different means of media are meant for different population and the Means of media services to be used have to be planned according to the product and the population that it means to target.
Need of Media Planning
Media planning refers to deciding what would be the means of promotion and what kind of media will be used to advertise a certain product. Media Planning agencies spend huge amount of money in market research and these agencies help the companies to choose the right means of media and also help them in Media Buying through negotiations and contacts at reasonable rates. The Media Buyer NYC provides Media Buying solutions to the companies and utilizes the experience and reputation it has built in the industry for negotiating the rates at which the media companies give the contract for advertisement to the company. The clients provide specifications on what they want from their advertisement and what is the price they are ready to give for the promotions and the companies for Media Planning and Media Buying give them the right means and price for advertising. By means of media, it is meant that the method or the type of media used for advertising. Media can be print media, television, or the internet. To choose on what type of media will the advertisement be broadcasted, right skills and experience is required. This work is undertaken by the Media Planning agencies. Next step after deciding on the means of the media that has to be used for advertisement is to negotiate and settle the charges that the media companies would charge to the companies intending to put up their advertisement. Here the Media Buying agency or the Media Brokers come into play. They are into the field from long enough to understand the rates and the trends that can be followed to lower the rates. Generally both Media Planning and Media Buying services are available under one agency only and clients prefer to visit the agency with both the services for reducing their costs and also for easing the process. Media planning selects the combination of types of media in a best possible manner so as to earn profit for the companies by increasing the sales.
Advantages to the company
Hiring a Media Buyer NYC can be advantageous to the company as the company planning for promoting their product may not have any idea on what would be the charges that the media companies will take or the negotiation strategies that may lower down the cost. Arranging for an agency that looks after Media Planning as well as is a Media Brokers that helps in negotiating the quotes given by the media companies can lower the tension and worries related to the advertisement and promotions for the companies.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Essentials in Media Planning

In order to excel in the field of internet marketing, it is necessary that proper Media Planning is done, in order to achieve great heights of success. It is similar to the physical advertisement, wherein also, a planned lay out is carved out, which helps significantly in helping the marketing agents to go ahead with the plan.  The planning should always be done depending on one’s budget and accordingly the target audience should be selected.

What is it?
The online method of marketing is much more than just Banners, which is the case in physical advertisement. If one wants that a Media Buyer NYC is attracted towards his products, then a great deal of hard work and proper commitment is required in case of online marketing. Another major difference which can be thought of between online and physical advertisement is that in online method, proper Media Planning should be completed before one communicates with the audience while in the latter, it is not that necessary.

Planning Steps
The first and foremost step is clear objective. It has to be the first step not only for online advertisement, but in fact almost everything which bone wants to start should have an objective as to why he is starting that thing, what would be the benefits and many more. All these factors are very important. For determining a clear objective, it is necessary that competent officials sit and take their time so as to know what their objective really is. The second step is determining the basic concepts of media buying.  This step gives path to exercising media research. Based on what the clients wants, a proper research is conducted to look for platforms which would give whatever is needed by the clients. The next step is of negotiation. In this step, after the research is over, it is required on behalf of the media planner to commence reasonable rates with their owners so that a proper deal can be done. In this, one has to determine how he would proceed with his idea of online marketing, which Media Brokers he should hire, who would help him significantly in this case. After the negotiation is done, a proper plan is and detailed report is submitted to the client, giving detailed information regarding which website would offer whatever they want, what is the website’s target audience, what are the opportunities of advertisement available on that website, and the amount of predicted traffic on that website. The next step is the execution step, wherein it is the duty of the media planners to secure the deal on behalf of their clients.  Then, a sheet which is also referred to as ad specification sheet is presented by the Media Planning department to the creative team of the client. This team is then required to make proper design of communications depending on the requirement of design. This requirement of design in turn depends on the amount of media space bought. After this the last step is to track the URL, thereby facilitating the campaign and tracking the amount of traffic.  Hence, Media Planning is very necessary.